The Ultimate Guide to SMART GIRL 100% Raw Hair Extensions Care: Tips for Long-Lasting Luscious Locks

Introduction: Hair extensions have become a staple in the beauty routine of many, offering versatility and glamour in an instant. Among the myriad of choices available, raw hair extensions stand out for their unparalleled quality and natural appearance. Sourced directly from donors and minimally processed, raw hair extensions possess a longevity and authenticity that sets them apart. However, to maintain their luxurious appeal, proper care is essential. In this guide, we'll delve into the nuances of raw hair extensions care, ensuring that your investment stays radiant for as long as possible. Understanding Raw Hair Extensions: Before delving into care tips, it's crucial to understand what raw hair extensions are. Unlike processed extensions, which undergo chemical treatments and alterations, raw hair extensions are sourced directly from donors and remain untouched by chemicals. This means that the cuticles are intact, ensuring a smoother texture and greater longevity. Raw hair...